Record low number of hits today

Whilst idly checking my server logs as yet another way of putting off going out leafleting, I see that today I appear to have a record low number of hits – just 10 page hits since 0:01 this morning.

I imagine everyone’s out enjoying the sunshine or delivering leaflets, or like me, accidentally sleeping through most of the opportunities to both.

I will crosspost this to LibDemBlogs – that usually bumps my hits by 50%.

And now I’m heading out to pick up my leaflets and go canvassing.

It’s going to take an awful lot of sleep in May to make up for all this metabolism-challenging activity in April.

3 comments on “Record low number of hits today

  1. Jonny Wright says:

    Have fun with the canvassing! Here’s one more hit and one more comment to make you happier … :-p

  2. manda says:

    10! you was lucky. I’m pleased if I get half a dozen a day and most of those are usually Americans looking for a translation of animal innards.

    (transparent? moi?)

  3. Tiffy says:

    You do realise that looking at the number of visits to your site is very vain?

    I keep a daily log of mine. What does that say? lol

    Stay lovely hun – and insist EVERYONE votes for you, as they should.


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